Notable Alumni

Photo Name Designation

Former Chief Editor, Nation Media Group and now Managing Partner, Blue Crane Global consulting.

AMB. PURITY MUHINDI Amb. Purity Muhindi

Kenya's Ambassador to the Republic of Senegal.

PROF. HEZRON MOGAMBI Prof. Hezron Mogambi

Professor of Media and Development, University of Nairobi, Kenya.

Mutuma Mathiu Mutuma Mathiu

Communications Consultant.

PROF. PETER WANYANDE Prof. Peter Wanyande

Professor of Political Science at the University of Nairobi, Kenya

Dr. Ezekiel Mutua Dr. Ezekiel Mutua

CEO, Music Copyright Society of Kenya (MCSK).

PROF. SAM C. MWANGI Prof. Sam C. Mwangi

Professor of Communication at Kansas State University, U.S.A.

Prof. Evan Mwangi Prof. Evan Mwangi

Professor of English at Northwestern University, U.S.A.

Farida Karoney Farida Karoney

Immediate former Cabinet Secretary for Lands in the Republic of Kenya.

Prof. Peter J. Kareithi Prof. Peter J. Kareithi

Professor of Communications at PennState Harrisburg, U.S.A.