Latest News & Announcements

Soka University Summer Exchange Programme

The Department of Literature hosted Soka University Students from Japan for a joint summer student exchange program. The programme was designed to empower students to explore, participate and enhance their leadership capabilities.
Later on Students together with the Soka Representatives, Chair Dept of Literature Dr. Masumi met the Dean Faculty of Arts Prof. Ephraim Wahome where they engaged in various matters in regards to the student's leadership mentorship programs, exchange programs and academic trips.

DoGES and African Studies Centre, Netherlands, hosts FoodMetres Project Stakeholders Workshop

The Department of Geography & Environmental Studies and the African Studies Centre in Leiden, Netherlands held a one-day project kick-off workshop on 3rd July 2013 at the University of Nairobi (UoN). The two institutions are involved in a collaborative project on “Food Planning and Innovation for Sustainable Metropolitan Regions (FOODMETRES): The Nairobi Case Study”.

Gilbert Sebihogo, Executive Director of the Network of African Human Rights Institutions visits the PRS Department on a fact finding mission

Gilbert Sebihogo, the Executive Director of the Network of African Human Rights Institutions visited the Department to explore possible partnership in human rights and peace studiesbetween the Department and the Network.  He was welcomed to the Department by Dr. S.I. Akaranga, Chairman, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies.  He held discussions with the Chair of the Department, the Programme Coordinator Dr.  J. B. Ndohvu, and Dr. Ephraim Wahome, Ag. Dean, Faculty of Arts and Chairman, Department of History and Archeology

Yale University PhD Student visits the Department and enquires about the MA Human Rights Degree programme

Yale University PhD Student visited the Department and enquired about the MA Human Rights Degree programme.  She held discussions with Dr. J. B. Ndohvu, the programme Coordinator, Prof. Solomon Monyenye and Chair of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Dr. S. I. Akaranga

DoGES in Official launch of Raja Trust Scholarships

The Department of Geography and Environmental Studies initiated a Memorandum of Understanding between Shah Ranmal Raja Charitable Trust, Kenya and the University of Nairobi for twelve (12) annual scholarships to needy and bright students in geography and environmental studies. The official launch of the “Raja Trust Scholarships” took place on Tuesday 13th August, 2013 at the University of Nairobi.